Epidemiology on the Front Line 
and Under Fire:

Focusing Attention on the Practical and Methodological Issues of Conducting Epidemiologic Research Today


American College of Epidemiology
Annual Scientific Sessions

September 6-9, 2003
Intercontinental Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Hotel information


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(131k pdf) 
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Keynote Address by David Vlahov
(Director, Center for Urban Epidemiologic Studies, New York Academy of Medicine)


How Much and For How Long Did the WTC Impact on Residents throughout the City?
The Epidemiology of Mental Health among New York City Residents Following September 11th
(Download presentation)


WORKSHOPS, September 6 (free)  Ethical Decision-making Regarding Appropriate Study Designs: Cohort Studies vs. Randomized Clinical Trials, September 6, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm, Robert McKeown, ESOP Committee Chair  What's An Epidemiologists To Do?: Implications of the Classification of Race and Ethnicity for Research on Health Disparities in Blacks, Asians, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, September 6, 8:30 am-5:30 pm, Vickie Mays, Minority Affairs Committee Chair (program)


WORKSHOPS, September 7 


 Multilevel Analysis in Public Health, Ron Harrist, University of Texas School of Public Health (9:00am-5:00pm)  Applying Quantitative Sensitivity Analysis to Epidemiologic Data, Timothy Lash, Boston University School of Public Health (9:00am-5:00pm)  Cognitive Issues Related to the Design of Valid Survey Questionnaires, Dick Warnecke, University of Illinois at Chicago (9:00am-5:00pm)  New Approaches in Molecular Epidemiology, Timothy Rebbeck, University of Pennsylvania (8:45am-12:45pm)  Teaching the Teacher: Essential Tools for Analyzing Large Public Health Data Sets, Selected analysts at the National Center for Health Statistics, selected faculty from schools of public health (1:00pm-5:00pm) SYMPOSIA, September 8 - 9 Download presentations  When Observational Studies and Randomized Trials Conflict: Lessons from Recent Studies, Moderated by Marlene Goldman, Beth Israel  Challenges and Solutions to Conducting Epidemiologic Studies in the Current Era, Moderated by Ed Trapido, NCI  Challenges To Surveillance, Moderated by Toni Alterman, NIOSH ADDITIONAL SESSIONS, September 8 - 9 Download presentations  Breakfast Roundtable Discussions, various topics, including Conversation with JAMA editor, Converstation with Annals of Epidemiology editor, Conversation with ESOP Committee regarding upstream causes of war  Lunch Roundtable: Competencies for Doctoral Trained Epidemiologists, Jonathan Samet and Michael Stoto 


Policy Forum: HIPAA and Beyond, Moderated by Faith Davis, University of Illinois at Chicago


 Presentation by the American Chemistry Council Award Winner, Robert Lyles Introduction by John Acquavella, Monsanto  Student Prize Paper: Ghazala Perveen, Prediction of Cardiovascular Mortality in Coronary Angiogram Patients. Introduction by Roger Bernier, Chair of the Awards Committee ~ Presidential Address: “Just the FAQs, Ma'am” Carol Hogue, President, Emory University ~ Evening Banquet and Lilienfeld Award address: Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, UCSD ~ Scientific Poster Session, with prizes and a reception; Irene Hall, Poster Committee Chair ~ Reception by Host Committee, Faith Davis ~ Various Evening-Out Options, Arranged by City Ventures


Thanks to our Sponsors!


Epidemiology and Genetics Research Program, National Cancer Institute


University of Illinois at Chicago


Download program (131k pdf)



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American College of Epidemiology 
Phone: (919) 787-5181
Fax: (919) 787-4916
[email protected]

Updated 12/27/03 vs