2018 Annual Meeting
Applying Epidemiology Across the Lifespan to Improve Health Care,
Inform Health Policy and Enhance Population Health
Workshop 5
Introduction to Effective Graphics in SAS
Location: University of Cincinnati, Medical Sciences Building (MSB), Room (E-801 or 6051)
Chair: Jesse Pratt, MS, MA Research Database Programmer, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Effective data displays are crucial in the analysis of patterns, causes, and effects in public health and healthcare. This course covers principles and properties of effective graphics, how to implement said principles in SAS, meeting requirements for journals, and detailed examples of plots commonly used.
The workshop begins with a general discussion of best practices for graphics, then basic syntax for PROC SGPLOT and PROC SGPANEL are covered, along with some customization options and examples. Principles and precise SAS syntax to meet journal requirements and standards, including labeling, fonts, formats, and DPI, will be covered. Specific examples of commonly used graphs (including but not limited to spaghetti plots, box plots, bar charts, and forest plots) will be given in great detail. The workshop will conclude with an introduction to more advanced graphical capabilities within SAS. Time at the end will be reserved for questions and answers. Attendees are highly encouraged to bring a laptop with SAS installed in order to follow along. Version 9.4M3 will be used.
Brief Biography:

Jesse Pratt, MS, MA is an experienced SAS user of 10 years, with the past 8 having a focus in the clinical research setting. He has co-authored multiple clinical research manuscripts, presents regularly at SAS conferences, and is also an author with SAS Press featuring “Advanced Data Visualization Techniques Using SAS.” His focus and specialization is effectively displaying data.