ACE In Action

May 30, 2024

The Role of Epidemiology in Law presented by William J. Lee, JD, MS
PowerPoint Presentation: The Role of Epidemiology in Law


 February 8, 2023

Prenatal predictors of child sleep health, and my journey to epidemiology as the crow flies with Sarah Dee Geiger, MS, PhD, FAHA, FACE

July 8, 2022

Advancing Health Equity Through Embedded Research in a Safety-Net Health System with Rachel J. Meadows, PHD, Mirsada Serdarevic, PhD and Afiba Manza-A. Agovi, PhD

Recording not available

June 10, 2022

Home-Based Self-Sample HPV Testing to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening in Safety Net Health Settings: Rationale and Design of the PRESTIS Trial with Jane R. Montealegre, PhD, MSPH

May 13, 2022

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Epidemiology with WayWay M. Hlaing, MBBS, MS, Ph.D., FACE

April 8, 2022

First, do not harm. Changing policy under conditions of extreme uncertainty during early COVID with Stephen Deppen, PhD, MS, MA

March 11, 2022

Biopsychosocial Approach to Understanding Alcohol and HIV with Tekeda F. Ferguson, PhD, MPH, MSPH

February 11, 2022

Translational Environmental Health Research: The Seychelles Child Development Study as an Example with Dr. Edwin van Wijngaarden, PhD, FACE

January 14, 2022

Venturing Off The Beaten Path (To The Library): How I Became A Diabetes Epidemiologist with Angela D. Liese, PhD, MPH, FACE, FAHA